Family Walking Group


Risk Assessment


The Persons at Risk are deemed to be the parents and children attending the walks and weekends away arranged by this group.

The activities that are the subject of this assessment are:

  • Travelling to and from the walks
  • Overnight stays on weekends away
  • The walks themselves

Typically the group composition is such that there will be a ratio of one or two children to one adult. In view of this high level of adult supervision the likelihood of most risks has been significantly reduced.

This assessment should be read in conjunction with the Policy for this Group.

Risks associated with travelling to and from the walks

Hazard: Use of private vehicles

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Drivers are responsible in law to ensure that the car is insured to carry adults and children and is roadworthy.
  • Seat belts must be worn at all times.
  • Drivers must be known to all those accepting lifts.

Further Action:

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Use of public transport; trains, buses

Likelihood of risk: Low Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Journey must be planned and assessed - key risk points identified
  • There must be careful supervision of the party particularly in crowded areas and entry, exit and change points with regular head counts
  • Parents are to be responsible for children in their care

Further Actions:

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Risks associated with overnight stays in YHA accommodation on weekends away

Hazard: Indirect supervision inside and outside the youth hostel or out of parental sight e.g. shops visited

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Check that the location is suitable
  • Ensure that parents are briefed.
  • Rendezvous points and times must be set and communicated to all concerned
  • Walk leaders are to point out inappropriate behaviour when spotted
  • Parents must understand that they are responsible for all the children in their care on the walks and at all times in the youth hostels and throughout the weekends

Further Actions:

  • Details of arrangements to be communicated to and agreed with parents
  • Rendezvous arrangements must be clear to all parents and understood by them

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Fire

Likelihood of risk: Low Severity: High

Control Measures:

  • Check accommodation meets national standards i.e. Meets fire officer's recommendations or has fire certificate.
  • Organisers / leaders are to visit site and make visual inspection of fire escapes, alarms, equipment and meeting / muster points.

Further Actions:

  • Use YHA youth hostels for accommodation because they are already certified
  • Follow the manager’s instructions and pass necessary information on to adults within the group
  • Leader to check with manager on arrival of any specific requirements and instructions

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Child protection, child abuse

Likelihood of risk: Low Severity: High

Control Measures:

  • Parents are to be responsible for all children in their care. Suggested bed plans are to be made but parents can change these by mutual arrangement and agreement with other parents and the hostel manager
  • Parent are to supervise sleeping arrangements accordingly

Further Actions:

  • Pre-visit check and /or check of information supplied. Leader is to arrange initial bed plan

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard Night time

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • For known sleepwalkers the parents are to supervise
  • Parents must ensure their child knows where the parent is sleeping and toilet locations and lights

Further Actions:

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Hygiene

Likelihood of risk: Low Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Youth Hostels to have environmental health endorsement
  • Leaders are to carry out a visual inspection of washing facilities, lighting, heating, exits and ventilation etc. and report any faults to the manager

Further Actions:

  • Confirmation of risk assessment to be sought at time of booking from the Youth Hostel

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Domestic hazards

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Risk assessment to be asked for when booking the Youth Hostel.
  • Parents are to be briefed before bed on the first night and/or at breakfast concerning identified risks.
  • Supervising parents are to brief their children on apparent risks or manager’s notices.
  • Parents are to make a visual inspection on arrival and warn children of serious hazards in grounds or house not specifically warned by manager
  • Faulty items are to be reported to the manager as they are found

Further Actions:


Outcome Risk: Low


Risks associated with the group’s walking activities

Hazard: Walking - OVERALL ACTIVITY

Risk level: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Walks planned to avoid fast roads wherever possible.
  • Supervision on pavements roads and esp. crossings of fast roads by back markers
  • Children reminded by parents of other pedestrian rights and courtesy
  • Leaders brief children where necessary with regard to hazards and behaviour
  • Pace dictated by slowest members

Further Action:

  • Planned route walked/reconnoitred in its entirety prior to departure
  • Front leader and back marker organised prior to departure

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Navigation – GETTING LOST

Likelihood of risk: Low Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Walk to have been adequately reconnoitred before the group sets out
  • Walk leaders to be confident in finding a safe route in mist
  • Walk leaders to be equipped with up to date OS maps, compass etc. and be able to use them

Further Actions:

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Person becomes separated from the group

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Ensure all parents understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Plan and use suitable group control measures e.g. Large groups split into smaller groups each with named leaders.
  • Discuss the itinerary and arrangements with parents
  • Briefing on what to do if separated from the group if the conditions deteriorate.
  • Regular head counts by leaders especially at departure points and when separating and reforming groups.
  • Leader has sufficient navigational skills.
  • Leader remains in sufficient contact with the group and back markers to prevent parts of the group going the wrong way.

Further Action:

  • Plan before visit and brief parents and children.
  • Review if any changes to the group occur.
  • Map and compass carried by the leader.

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Illness or injury to any group member away from immediate help

Likelihood of risk: Low Severity: Medium/High

Control Measures:

  • At least one leader with each group to carry a first aid kit.
  • Leaders know how to call emergency services.
  • Additional adults recruited to cater for unforeseen circumstances/emergencies.
  • Mobile phones carried if available and checked that work in the area.

Further Action:

  • Pre planning meeting to discuss emergency process

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Road Traffic

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Parents to closely supervise each child
  • Organisers to warn of hazards
  • Leader and back marker to act as marshals when group is crossing a road

Further Action

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard Terrain, rough, rocky, slippery, boggy, slopes – GENERAL HAZARDS

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Leader to slow the pace or change the route
  • Close parental supervision. Group to hand assist each other where necessary

Further Actions:


Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Falls, drowning, falling rocks, cliffs, drops – SPECIFIC HAZARDS

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Route researched and pre walked - specific hazards (cliffs, water hazards etc) risk assessed and if necessary avoided
  • Close supervision by parents

Further Actions:

  • Specific risk assessment for each walk by leader

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Streams, Rivers

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Impromptu swimming or paddling allowed only if parents allow and supervise
  • Parents to supervise and assist when footpath crosses over stepping stones

Further Actions:

  • Turn back if stream swollen and find new safe crossing

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Sea: waves, tides, shelving beaches, underwater hazards, exit routes cut off by tides

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium/High

Control Measures:

  • Weather forecast obtained and leader makes decision whether or not to proceed or adapt route on the basis of the weather or sea. Leader to decide to reform group and lead away if conditions change.
  • Paddling and swimming only allowed if parents allow the child to do so under their control and they also supervise.

Further Actions:

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Stiles/Gates/obstacles

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Close parental supervision esp. if stile high or barbed wire present
  • Leader to check first that obstacle is safe to cross and advise group. Back marker to close gates

Further Actions:

  • None

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Animals/Farms Dogs

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Leader to assess the danger and either change the route, place adults between the animals and the children, send adults first or consult with back marker to an appropriate safe course.
  • Dogs brought by families to be kept under close personal control at all times.

Further Actions:

  • Leader to speak to any parent with an ill behaved dog and advise close control

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Walking Poles/Sticks

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Adults and children to be careful when using poles with others following. Leaders to suggest spacing between walkers and those following if necessary. Close parental supervision of children near pole and stick users. Children using sticks/poles under parental supervision

Further Actions:

  • Suggest plastic tip ‘boots’ or rubber ferrules be used and kept on if possible.

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard: Exposure to weather- cold wet heat and sun

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Weather forecast obtained
  • All participants have suitable footwear, clothing and equipment
  • Understanding of the range of weather conditions expected at the walk area when planning dates of the trip
  • Daily weather forecasts obtained, on day conditions assessed and plans adjusted as necessary - even cancelling if appropriate
  • Emergency equipment carried to include bivvi bag
  • If weather conditions are likely to affect tidal activity or swell rivers and streams then seek specialist advice before going near water margins

Further Actions:

  • Parents given suggestions for suitable clothing and footwear on planning letter
  • If visit is near water then inform parents to be vigilant when the hazard occurs on the walk

Outcome Risk: Low


Hazard Height above sea LEVEL

Likelihood of risk: Medium Severity: Medium

Control Measures:

  • Leader to decide and return, change route or carry on as appropriate. Leader to consult with back marker if weather changes or group or individuals tire.

Further Actions:

  • Consider possibility of splitting the group and finding leaders to take the walk to lower level and or return

Outcome Risk: Low


Each parental flyer and communication is to contain the general advice below concerning the importance of parental supervision. The group considers this to be the key to the safety and enjoyment of all.

"A safety note - Parents are responsible for their own children at all times on the walks and whilst we are away on the weekends. We take care to plan safe walks and we will try to point out any obvious hazards along the way but parents must assess any risks as they become apparent and be cautious with those you are bringing along and looking after. This is an adventurous activity!"


Assessment by

Peter Corbett

Headteacher, Salesbury C.E. Primary School

January 2006